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   Leaders can take two approaches to transformation: either autopilot or conscious. Their approach determines the level of awareness they operate from, which determines what they see and what they miss. Approach is like climbing a mountain. From the valley floor, the view is limited, but from the peak, you see most everything.

Operating on autopilot, leaders respond automatically and unconsciously to the dynamics of transformation based on their conditioned habits, existing worldview, and dominant leadership style. Their perceptual lens is filtered by their current biases, beliefs, and assumptions, causing them to either not see or misinterpret vital content, people, and process dynamics. Leaders who take a conscious approach still have conditioned beliefs, of course, but they relate to them differently. They understand that mind-set is causative. They realize that their beliefs and assumptions determine how they see the world; which in turn determines how they think, feel, and behave; which influences their decisions, actions, and results.

Consequently, conscious change leaders focus not just on the external world but also on the internal world of awareness and beliefs. They turn their attention inwardly and actively pursue self-awareness. They seek to understand their mind-sets so they can transform the aspects of their conditioning that limit their perception, actions, and outcomes. Autopilot leaders simply react. They apply their old change and project management methods and leadership style to transformation because their conditioned awareness offers no alternatives. They rarely look in the mirror.” Other research shows that less than 5 percent of the world’s population is actually awake and operating from a level of conscious awareness. Introspection and personal change is simply not a leadership priority for many, but if you want to succeed at transformation, it must become your top priority.

Personal growth follows a common trajectory. As leaders transform limiting beliefs and worldviews, their awareness grows in two directions: it expands to see more broadly and it penetrates to see more deeply. By pursuing personal development, conscious change leaders develop four ways of perceiving that are critical to leading transformation. Autopilot leaders do not have these capabilities.

  • Seeing systems: Perceiving interdependencies, for example, across organizational functions and marketplace dynamics; seeing causes and effects, connections across boundaries; seeing across space.

  • Seeing process: Perceiving how events and circumstances influence each other across time; inputs and outputs; impacts over time; flow of events; momentum.

  • Seeing internal and external: Perceiving the internal dynamics of external events, and how each is a reflection of the other; seeing the mind-set underneath a behavior—such as the cultural dynamics reflected in an organization’s structure and systems.

  • Seeing consciously: Witnessing objectively what is occurring; being mindful, present, and awake to what is happening rather than operating unconsciously.

With expanded awareness, conscious change leaders more readily identify marketplace wake-up calls for content changes in their organizations. They know how to design and facilitate emergent, nonlinear change processes, and they see how to engage the inner passion and commitment of people.

Mind-set Drives Best Practices for Transformation

Conscious change leaders employ key best practices for transformation because their mind-sets enable them to see their benefits. For example:

  • Going slow to go fast; they consciously design their change process to build commitment in the workforce rather than hastily jumping right to designing the content solution.

  • Asking for input from stakeholders and customers early and often.

  • Integrating content and people activities into one change process from the beginning and throughout.

  • Announcing early that the change process is transformational and nonlinear, that there is much not yet known, and that they seek staff engagement to figure it out.

  • Minimizing command and control and maximizing co-creation; we are all in this together.

  • Communicating often, in all directions, and spending time face-to-face with the workforce.

  • Empowering others; trusting staff to make decisions.

  • Listening and coaching more; telling and providing answers .

  • Walking the talk; modeling the way; telling the truth.

  • Sharing feelings and nurturing relationships.

With their lack of awareness, autopilot leaders inadvertently do the exact opposite. And therein lies the cause of the high failure rates in leading transformation. The success will be in direct correlation to the level of awareness and worldview. Don’t get caught by old beliefs and worldviews. Operate consciously by turning inwardly to observe your own mind-set in action. Increase your self-awareness and expand your perception to see interdependencies across time and space. Perceive the deeper human dynamics at play in your people and culture. With conscious awareness, you can take the best of change and project management and apply it appropriately to transformation. But most important, you will step into conscious change leadership and become able to design and implement change processes that engage the commitment of your organization so your people produce truly breakthrough results. Operating consciously, you will create a foundation upon which your success rate at leading transformation will quickly move toward 100 percent.


 The inner works are essential keys that help  discovering the fifth dimension of nature, technique of the death of the ego, which enables us to eliminate all our defects, vices and wickedness, the profound cause of our misfortunes that sleep in our conscience. There are two kinds of wisdom, the doctrine of the mind and heart. The doctrines of the mind are those who content themselves with spiritualist theories and with beliefs. The doctrine of the heart are those who practice the teachings and experiencing them in themselves.

The most important of the truth is to eliminate the vices, defects and wickedness which every human being carries within and without knowing the source cause of the death and defects to eliminate them there can be never transformation in people either successfully development in world business.



Selfishness, self-centeredness, egotism, narcissism, call it what you want when a person feels the world revolves around their wants and needs. Being in a relationship with one of them makes for an unemotional existence.  One thing you can always count on is that your needs and wants don’t count.

Egocentrics drain you dry and to survive you’ve got to pull away emotionally and physically. People who stay in a relationship with this type of person for financial and family reasons pay a very high price in the lack of emotional fulfillment.

The narcissist believes that the world must revolve around them. They are frustrated, angry, and irrational when they don’t get what they want. For their partner who desires a meaningful relationship, it feels like being on an empty battlefield. You know you’re in the fight of your life but your words go unheard, your feelings unnoticed. You’ll likely wonder,  “why am I here”?

It is vital for your future health and happiness that you recognize a selfish egotist early on in a new relationship. These people are usually quite charming initially so look beneath this facade when seeking a lasting relationship.

They will take center stage, demand constant attention, and when their needs aren’t met make sure you know that it is your responsibility to see that they are.

Egocentric people like to discredit others in order to make themselves appear better. Be aware of this because what they do with others they will also do with you when the situation warrants it.

They brag, claim to be smarter, braver, more capable, and wiser than others. They are secretly envious of other people but project that others are envious of them. They envy others who have qualities they lack but will diminish those qualities in order to feel superior.

They expect to be catered to and admired on an ongoing basis. If you challenge this you will lose any good standard you had previously set with them and they will in turn discredit you to anyone who will listen. They will tell you over and over and over how important they are and if you buy into this you will eventually realize how unimportant you are. You won’t have to guess about whether they are deserving of whatever it is they want–they will let you know just how special and entitled they are.

Where it gets tricky, is that at times, these people actually say and do things  which seem genuine. At these times, you might do an about face, thinking you have them all wrong. Unfortunately their moments of humanitarianism  are brief, can be a little too put on, and are inconsistent. Follow your instincts. Brief moments of sincerity are more often than not crafted to confuse you.

Egocentrics are emotionally draining. They don’t have any interest in honestly communicating. They will intimidate, lie, accuse, and rewrite history, but won’t change their position and effectively communicate.

It is not likely that the egotist will change because their mission is to win. They are not motivated to seek understanding and connect on a deep level with others.  They are disconnected emotionally and are often very lonely even when surrounded by people.


EGOCENTRISM: The Human Mind is naturally prone to the following Egocentric Tendencies


  • Egocentric memory 

The natural tendency to "forget" evidence and information which does not support our thinking and to "remember" evidence and information which does

  • Egocentric myopia 

The natural tendency to think in an absolutist way within an overly narrow point of vie

  • Egocentric infallibility

The natural tendency to think that our beliefs are true because we believe them

  • Egocentric righteousness 

The natural tendency to feel superior in the light of our confidence that we are in the possession of THE TRUTH.

  • Egocentric hypocrisy

The natural tendency to ignore flagrant inconsistencies between what we profess to believe and the actual beliefs our behavior imply, or inconsistencies between the standards to which we hold ourselves and those to which we expect others to adhere)

  • Egocentric oversimplification 

The natural tendency to ignore real and important complexities in the world in favor of simplistic notions when consideration of those complexities would require us to modify our beliefs or values

Egocentric blindness 

The natural tendency not to notice facts or evidence which contradict our favored beliefs or values

  • Egocentric immediacy 

The natural tendency to over-generalize immediate feelings and experiences--so that when one event in o0ur life is highly favorable or unfavorable, all of life seems favorable or unfavorable as well

  • Egocentric absurdity 

The natural tendency to fail to notice thinking which has "absurd" consequences, when noticing them would f0orce us to rethink our position.

Key Points

To be effective, leaders must have a solid understanding of ho0w their emotions and actions affect the people around them. The better a leader relates to and works with others, the more successful he or she will be.Take the time to work on self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Working on these areas will help you excel in the future!

Conscious Businesses are organizations with Conscious Cultures catalyzed by Conscious Leaders. Businesses are comprised of people. Human social organizations, including businesses, require leadership for direction and coherence. Leadership can be exercised by many people within a business and by different people at different times for different reasons. Business leaders, such as CEO, provide ongoing leadership for their companies. If you aspire to build a Conscious Business, you need to be a Conscious Leader and cultivate a Conscious Culture. Your awareness is either expanding, or it is not. Conscious Awareness, by definition, calls for learning, growth, development and expansion.

  Global Leadership Human Resources and Treasure Network is a task-force that raises self-awareness, master procedures; disciplines eliminate vices, defects and transform society. Through the development collaboration, the programs will enable participants to build con0scious culture, inspire emerging leaders to reduce the world pressure.The below behavior listed courses will be implemented as follows:

                    Professional Effectiveness
Gain skills and tactics that increase productivity, boost confidence, and raise awareness to achieve goals. This includes being able to communicate and present ideas convincingly, and master fundamentals of self-management.

Assessing your team’s skill set, knowledge and behaviors is critical to begin transforming your talent. As your development partner, we identify gaps at individual, team, and organizational levels. This is the foundation to begin building your roadmap.


Leadership and Personal Development: The focus of this course will be on you as the leader from an individual perspective. It will be an introduction to the principles and practices of positive interpersonal relationships for leadership development. The course will be based on each Attendee’s  perception of their own life experiences that have helped them reach this level in their leadership development journey (Past), where they are now in that journey (Present), and their personal leadership goals.

Leadership in Teams and Collaborative Environments: This course examines the leadership process in the context of team and group dynamics. It investigates process and content issues of team building, interpersonal and group relations, and effective problem solving and decision making skills in collaborative environments. The course places particular emphasis on the relationship between teams within business organizations and external constituents.This course presents the major theories, models, and best practices related to leading change and transformation, including the purpose and focus of change.  Topics include the contexts of change and transformation, organizational design and change, planning for change, and the impact of change of the formal structures, systems, and culture of organizations. The leader as change agent is emphasized, as well as strategies and techniques for leading effective change. 

Trainee: will explore behaviors and concepts related to a leadership topic of interest.

This course will actively engage attendee in the acquisition of information about change strategic methods and and practices technique tools, concepts, and issues associated with leadership. Attendee will be exposed to the nature of leadership through presentation of objective material, through group activities, and through laboratory exercises.

Leadership Behavior: An interdisciplinary course designed to introduce the student to the tasks, strategies, and skills of effective leadership. Course activities will move the student from theory to the practical processes of leadership. Basic concepts essential to personal skills development and organizational leadership behavior are included.

This course focuses on the study of management and leadership in today’s organizations. Attendees will compare management and leadership, analyzing the differences, examining the relationships, and exploring common misconceptions about these two terms. The course will discuss managing as dealing with complexity and leading as dealing with change.  Course activities include a personal self-assessment, as well as an in-depth review of management and leadership history, theories, practices, competencies, and relationships.

           Systems Thinking and the Learning Organization 

This course examines systems thinking and complexity theory as they relate to the concept of a learning organization. Through the lens of systems thinking, Attendees will focus on a study of organizational complexity, problems, and conflicts. The course will articulate the principles, applications, and practices of a learning organization and its competitive advantage in a dynamic, changing, global context. It will discuss the role leadership plays in an organization understanding itself and interacting in a certain environment.

        Leadership Interactions: Teams, and Coaches

This course examines the ways in which a leader influences the behavior of groups and individuals. Concentrating on the traits and behaviors of high performance teams, the course first focuses on team dynamics, exploring the reasons why teams execute better, learn faster, implement change more readily, and deliver quality products faster. The course will evaluate team leadership strategies for empowering and involving others, as well as models for transforming an organization into a team-based culture.  Next, the course examines a leader’s coaching and mentoring roles, including training and performance enhancement strategies.

                    Problem Solving and Decision Making

This course explores various contemporary theories and practices for effective decision making in organizations, relying heavily on the use of case study methodology. Various models and frameworks for analyzing problems are examined in depth; significant focus is placed on the functions of the decision-making model, the role of values in decision making, and the techniques of creative and innovative problem solving.   Course work will include groups and in charge committee case studies, research of historical and current theories and application of course concepts to workplace situations.

Influencing to Achieve Results Workshop: Onsite Training Course

These training courses enable participants to develop and implement techniques to influence others and achieve positive personal and organizational results. The workshop is based on building and maintaining strong, long-lasting professional relationships and leveraging each person’s strengths and influencing style...

          Are You the Enemy of Change?

Change results in various reactions. For some, change can cause fear, doubt, anxiety, insecurity or perhaps ambivalence. For others, change means excitement, anticipating opportunities and looking forward to a new future. Depending on their reaction, influences can help or the will of change.


Themes:  Join and work together to transform the world

Welcoming –Introduction- Sources of Conflict and Prevention

Workshop Subjects or Topic Discussions

Human Advantage and Destruction

WHERE WE SERVE  ?       Worldwide

WHO WE SERVE   : Churches, Organizations, Business Owners ,Communities, Families, Groups, Professionals and individual

 Themes:      How to behave and get saved in this fleshly world?


Financial –Illegal -Professional -- Prejudicial -Beliefs– Idleness- Personal



Our organization is developing courses, raising awareness and training on the following area;

1)  Egocentrism- Conflict of interests- Discrimination- Jealousies- Hypocrisies- Root -Source of Vices (Defects) Failure - Vice Hereditary -Influence by others-    Voluntarily Act

2) Money (Wealth) –Governances (Power or Authority)-megalomaniac – Influences -Employment –investment-Prosperity-

3) Poverty- Sufferance Source – Idleness- Influences Complaining-Robbery (theft)-Murder- Loss - Weakness and Strenghtness

4) Hierarchical of Laws -Violence- Punishment-) 



5)   Churches and Believers- Spiritual Development

6)    Obediences and Disobediences -  Blessings and Curses

         God’s Love and patience –Defects or Vices Consequences-

                Trial or Punishment - Regeneration or Death-


7)  Children--Family-Intellectual-Professional-   Christian-  Learning - Knowledge-Benefit     


Please note that every organization and individual will raise awareness of self-understanding and skills to enable world transformation. Therefore, volunteers and assistances are in great needs to help designing and implementing worldwide programs.


Here are some courses or topics description example!!!


1) Source of conflict interest-   in finance (positive or negative impact) from  human behavior etc..,

2 )Source of Egocentrism, Jealousies , Hypocrisies, Discrimination, and effect Human Behavior etc..,

3) Source of poverty, suffering, idleness and death, human behavior etc..,

4) __________________________________________________________

5) __________________________________________________________

Successively etc..,





The Courses will reduce the world pressure,crisis,confusion (Conflicts ) ,crime ,Theft ,starvation, serious illness and death and attendee (trainee) will gain the wealth of knowledge (self-management skills) to develop, prosper, secure and help building  the next generation.Study reveals that thousand or millions people  unconsciously died and achieving no results cause lack of awareness.


  To provide humanitarian assistance, raise awareness, mobilize and to transform society and help organization achieving their visions .We engages association ,private and public organization and people in a diverse, global welcoming community.We are the definitive source for ideas, informations and learning resources, tools, and inspiring change for a new world generation. In order to share resources and assist  in implementing personal and organizational programs to worldwide, Teamwork and contributions are in needed  to help expanding our product and transforming society



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