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The Purpose of Man's Life on earth

The purpose of man's life on earth is a question which many have pondered about for thousands of years but the answer to which has often become elusive. We do not ask this question anymore because we seem to have given up on the possibility that an answer can ever be found. We have also relied on science to give us the answer but with its one-sided way of looking at things it does not look promising that an answer can ever be found in this way.

Our error lies in our wrong concept about man and our earth and the whole of Creation in general. We have a totally wrong concept about everything and our religious beliefs have only compounded matters by not being able to offer any logical explanation for anything, relying instead on blind faith which is totally at odds which what God wants for His creatures.

Over thousands of years then we have come to look at things only from one side only. We think that man is the physical body because science has told us so and religion has not been able to offer any credible counter-argument, we only assume that our physical existence is the only one there is and that when we die and with the disintegration of our physical bodies that we also cease to exist. In short in our world view there does not seem to be any purpose to it all.

The purpose of life according to our prevailing belief is to just live as best we can and accumulate material wealth, get married and have children and if possible have as many earthly honours as possible and if we are successful in these then our purpose has been achieved. We are then regarded as actualized human beings, successful human beings and so on.

According to our belief we live only once and as such we should materially make the best out of it. The reality of our lives, however, is often different and testifies to the fact that this world view is wrong. What is the purpose of being born, growing up, going to school, getting a job, getting married and accumulating material wealth only to leave all these things behind again when we die?

It is inconceivable to imagine that the great God would create us just for this purpose. The great Creator is far too perfect and comprehensive in His approach to things to imagine that He has created human beings only for the purpose for which we have generally accepted to be the case today.

What we have accepted as the way of our lives today is simply our own creation. We have devised this way and purpose of lives for ourselves. The purpose for which we were created has been lost to us because for thousands of years we have failed to listen to those sent by God who could tell us what this purpose was. We preferred to create our own purpose because we preferred to be masters instead of servants. We did not want to hear what God wanted for us and what He had devised for our existence. We wanted to listen only to our own voices. This is why today the purpose of our lives is lost to us.

All the various prophets of the various religions were never truly successful because we never allowed them to be successful. They were persecuted, slandered and even killed in some cases until finally we committed the unthinkable: the murder of the Son of God sent to us for the true enlightenment.

  What is the Purpose of Human Life? Evidence from God Science

 When asked what was the greatest commandment, ” Matthew 22: 37-40   Jesus said,” You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it,’you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets. If God created the universe for the sole purpose of housing humans, why would He have done this? Jesus said that God created humans for the purpose of loving Him and each other. In creating humans, God gave them complete freedom within the limits of their dimensionality. This freedom was required to permit humans to express love. However, a byproduct of freedom can be the opposite of love. The sin of fellow humans is responsible for the majority of misery experienced by humans in this life.

Christianity teaches that the universe was created through love by an intelligent power, namely the God of the Bible. Creation was purposeful, not arbitrary, and therefore the universe is not morally neutral, but fundamentally good. In this purposeful creation, everything and everyone is intrinsically valuable. God's design or purpose for creation reflects God's intention that all creatures enjoy perfect love and justice. God works in human history to fulfill that purpose. God created human beings in the divine image, enabling humans to have some understanding of God and of God's vast and complex design. The purpose of life is to love and serve God in order to help bring about God's glorious plan for creation.

Reason is a unique gift bestowed by God on humans and enables them to reflect on their own nature and conscience, and from that derive knowledge of God's will for creation. But a complete understanding is beyond human reach. To fulfill the goal of wholeness in an existence perfected by both justice and love, something more is needed. Humans are not expected to accomplish the divine plan alone. The fulfillment of God's purpose depends on God's grace. For Christians, grace is God's freely-given favor and love.

Reason is a good gift, sometimes misused for selfish, willful, or prideful purposes. The substitution of selfish ambition for God's will is a condition that Christians call sin, meaning separation or alienation from God.

The Christian concept of sin originates in the story of Adam and Eve found in chapters 2-3 of the Book of Genesis, a story that has central importance for Christians. The story relates the creation by God of the first humans, a man and woman. God placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden, which provided for all their physical needs, as well as companionship with each other and fellowship with God. For these first humans, God had but one rule. In the garden stood "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," whose fruit Adam and Eve should not eat? When Adam and Eve later broke the rule and ate the fruit, God banished them from the garden, condemning them and their descendants to a life of hard work, pain, disease, and eventual death, and submitting the earth itself to "bondage." Christians call this humanity's "fall" from innocence.

Genesis 2:7  Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


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